솔로에서 커플로 2023년 태국 러이끄라통

countless lanterns flying in the sky

2023년 러이끄라통은 11월 27일입니다.
보통 12월 보름날 또는 12월 15일에 행해지는 의식이며 연꽃과 같이 물에 가라앉지 않는 것에 꽃과 향, 양초 또는 물체를 놓은 다음 강을 따라 떠내려 보냅니다.

소원을 빌어서.

러이끄라통 날의 역사

러이끄라통 축제 (영어: Loy Krathong Festival, Loi Krathong) 태국과 동남아시아에서 중요한 힌두교 종교의 날. 대부분 12월에 이루어지지만 어떤 해에는 10월에 열리기도 합니다.

러이 끄라통은 고대 전통이며 수코타이 시대부터 존재했다고 알려져 있으며 있으며 각 지역에 따라 조금씩 행해지는 의식이 달라진다.

방콕에서 러이끄라통 축제가 행해지는 곳

아래 구글지도를 확인해 주세요

-드레스 색으로 보는 재미있는 러이끄라통 축제

싱글들을 위한 색
아래의 색을 착용하면 연인을 만나게 되고 그 후 사랑으로 발전한다는 이야기
여성은 흰색과 파란색, 남성은 하늘색과 남색

A style for soloists

커플 들을 위한색
아래의 색을 착용하면 신혼부부처럼 달콤하며, 안정적인 사랑이 유지된다는 이야기
남성은 크림색(아이보리)과 주황색, 여성은 노란색과 빨간색

-러이 끄라통안에 넣는 것들의 의미-

손톱과 머리카락 – 나쁜일을 러이끄라통과 함께 내게서 떠나보낸다

돈 – 부의 문제를 해결하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

쌀 – 음식과 물건이 생긴다고 믿는다.

꽃 –
메리골드: 삶의 다양한 방면에서 번영을 이룬다는 믿음, 사업의 성공.
아마란스: 장수에 대한 믿음.
난초: 건강에 대한 믿음.
독락: 좋은 사랑을 하는데 도움이 될것이라는 믿음.
장미꽃잎: 어떠한 문제없이 성과를 이룬다는 믿음.

별어려움 없을꺼라 생각했었던 비자 연장과정중 생긴 TM30 TM30신고 구글주소창에 TM30으로 검색하면 바로 첫화면 맨위에서 신청 사이트로 이동가능. 기본적으로 집주인이 신고하는...
무까타 식당 이름 무띳파이 적당한 가격에 많은 고기양과 특히 돼지 목살이 맛있는곳 현지 대학생과 태국 푸잉들이 뒤에 있는 술집에서 한잔하고 배고픔을 달래기 위해 오는곳 추가 주문시...
최근에 마라를 좋아하는 사람들과 어울리다 보니 찾아가게된 마라 뷔페 “핫팟맨 샤부” 새벽3시까지 영업. 새벽 비행기로 태국에 도착해서 빨리 간다면 먹을수...
수상시장에 있는 방루앙 아티스트 하우스, bts방와, mrt 방파이를 통해 접근후 오토바이나 택시를 타고 이동하여야 한다. 예전에는 인형극도 했지만 현재는 팔찌와 연필꽃이...
태국의 예쁜 여성들이 많다는 촌부리.. 태국의 미인은 치앙마이 많다는데 파타야 근처 촌부리는 옛날부터 혼혈태국이 많아서 예쁜 푸잉들이 많다고 이야기 하는것같음. 어째뜬 방센비치여행...
촌부리에 가기전부터 알아봤던 촌부리내에 있는 현지 쌀국수 맛집. 찾아가는게 택시나 이동수단을 활용해서 맛집을 방문해보자. 평범한 쌀국수집 내부는 옛날 중국 건물 내부의 모습을 하고...
늦은밤 방센근처에서 태국식 디저트를 먹고 싶어서 찾아간곳, “틍틍 빙수” 촌부리 추천 무까타 집 촌부리에 캠핑 분위기 나는 무까타 식당 남뚜후 부아로이 빙수...
한국의 삼겹살이 그리울때 마다 바베큐집 대안으로 찾아가는 태국의 무까타 집  가운데 고기를 구우면서 가장자리에서 샤브샤브 방식처럼 육수를 부워 먹는 태국식 BBQ 황금색 불판 태국...
카셋 나와민에 위치한 혼잡하지 않지만 아름다운 레스토랑 오후 1시경인데 전구에 불이 켜있음?! 방콕에서 조금 이쁜 카페들은 항상 사람들이 많은데 혼잡한게 싫어서 찾아간 레스토랑겸...

Chiang Mai Fabric Bag

Sleeves and Affordable Shipping

Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
Project Coordinates 20 Soy 5/7 Shop Panel 105,106,107 Bangkok.
It opens every Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone of interest: 0898750775
WhatsApp:+66 898750775

kawaii leather
청바지 매장
Chatuchak Section 19
Nacha Shoes Chatuchak Weekend Market
Tuu Handycraft Accessories 썸네일
Cheap and luxurious, suitable for all event, casual trip, special dinner with your beloved.
kawaii leather (1)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Mee Joe Shop
Bohemian (6)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Shirt140 (3)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
unique pattern bag (3)
Handmade (3)
natural woman hand bag (2)
Thai souvenir (4)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
oh my dog (6)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
Hello Sunday (3)
Manee thaicraft (2)
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
i-GENshop (1)
Akhanative shop
ML Living
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Madam Picpic shop
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
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kawaii leather (1)
kawaii leather (1)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Mee Joe Shop
Mee Joe Shop
Bohemian (6)
Bohemian (6)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Shirt140 (3)
Shirt140 (3)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
unique pattern bag (3)
unique pattern bag (3)
Handmade (3)
Handmade (3)
natural woman hand bag (2)
natural woman hand bag (2)
Thai souvenir (4)
Thai souvenir (4)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
oh my dog (6)
oh my dog (6)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
Hello Sunday (3)
Hello Sunday (3)
Manee thaicraft (2)
Manee thaicraft (2)
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
i-GENshop (1)
i-GENshop (1)
Akhanative shop
Akhanative shop
ML Living
ML Living
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Madam Picpic shop
Madam Picpic shop
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
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Lui Krathong Festival in 2023 is Nov. 27.

three people holding the lui krathong

Lui Krathong Festival in 2023 is Nov. 27.

A ceremony usually held on the fifteenth day of December or the fifteenth of December, where flowers, incense, candles, or objects are placed on something that does not sink in the water, such as a lotus flower, and then floated down the river.

History of the day of Lui Krathong Festival

Lui Krathong Festival (Loi Krathong) An important Hindu religious day in Thailand and Southeast Asia. Most of them are held in December, but in some years, they are held in October.

Rui Krathong is an ancient tradition and is known to have existed since the Sukhothai period, and the rituals performed slightly vary depending on each region.

– Where the Lui krathong Festival is held in Bangkok

Please check the Google Maps below

Fun to see in dress colors -Lui Krathong Festival

Colors for Singles
If you wear the color below, you will meet a lover and then develop into love
White and blue for women, sky blue and navy for men

A style for soloists

Color for couples
If you wear the color below, it’s as sweet as a newlywed coupleIt’s a story about a stable love is maintained
Men’s cream (ivory) and orange, women’s yellow and red

Meaning of things that are put in the Lui Krathong

  1. Nails and hair – send bad things away from me with Rui Krathong
  2. money – It will help solve the problem of wealth.
  3. Rice – believe that food and things are created.
  4. Flowers
  • Marigold: the belief that prosperity is achieved in various aspects of life, the success of business.
  • Amaranth: Faith in longevity.
    Orchid: Belief in health.
  • Reading: The belief that it will help you to have a good love.
  • Rose petals: the belief that you achieve results without any problems.

Handicrafts at the Chatujjak Market

Handicrafts at the Chatujjak Market
Chatuchak Market Project 10 Soi 20/2
Panel 081,082.
Retail and delivery.

kawaii leather
청바지 매장
Chatuchak Section 19
Nacha Shoes Chatuchak Weekend Market
Tuu Handycraft Accessories 썸네일
Cheap and luxurious, suitable for all event, casual trip, special dinner with your beloved.
kawaii leather (1)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Mee Joe Shop
Bohemian (6)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Shirt140 (3)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
unique pattern bag (3)
Handmade (3)
natural woman hand bag (2)
Thai souvenir (4)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
oh my dog (6)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
Hello Sunday (3)
Manee thaicraft (2)
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
i-GENshop (1)
Akhanative shop
ML Living
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Madam Picpic shop
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
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kawaii leather (1)
kawaii leather (1)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Big Bag Shop (2)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Kungzy Jeans (1)
Mee Joe Shop
Mee Joe Shop
Bohemian (6)
Bohemian (6)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (2)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Ar-Sa Sinmee (5)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Vanilla Gate-Gala Shop (6)
Shirt140 (3)
Shirt140 (3)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Nacha Shoes (4)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Blacklist coffee (1)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
Traditional Thai sweets (4)
unique pattern bag (3)
unique pattern bag (3)
Handmade (3)
Handmade (3)
natural woman hand bag (2)
natural woman hand bag (2)
Thai souvenir (4)
Thai souvenir (4)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Sawasdee shop (5) (1)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
Manee Thaicarft (3)
oh my dog (6)
oh my dog (6)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
traditional Thai snacks (1)
Hello Sunday (3)
Hello Sunday (3)
Manee thaicraft (2)
Manee thaicraft (2)
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
JOI-CHOI-CHOD Wholesale & Retail Native Product and Home Decor 1
i-GENshop (1)
i-GENshop (1)
Akhanative shop
Akhanative shop
ML Living
ML Living
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Cool, sweet, juicy juice.
Madam Picpic shop
Madam Picpic shop
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
Chiang Mai Fabric Bag
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Thailand Game Show 2023 /10 /20~22

Thailand Game Show 2023

2023 is the first exclusive experience to announce the countdown to Southeast Asia’s best game event, showing better performance than ever under the concepts of Wonder Festival and Assemble, Thailand’s largest toy, collection, and pop culture fair. The largest game fair all gamers have been waiting for “Thailand Game Show 2023”

Ticket price

There are two types that gamers can choose from. Ticket price 150 baht per day event admission fee (100 baht promotion period has expired)
500 baht per day event admission for “Thailand Game Show 2023” T-shirts
T-shirts will be delivered free of charge within 30 days of purchase.
Pre-order is available online only.
QR code and PayPal
You can pay with credit card and True Money.


October 20-22, Exhibition Hall on the G-floor of the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
Expands the contract area to four full halls and accommodates up to 255 booths in an event space of over 22,000 square meters, increasing the number of visitors and exponential enjoyment.

Ticket Reservation


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태국 게임쇼 2023 10월 20일부터 22일까지

태국 게임쇼 2023

동남아시아 최고의 게임 이벤트 카운트다운 발표 ‘태국 게임쇼 2023’이 최초로 독점 경험 열어 태국 최대 규모의 장난감, 수집품, 대중문화 박람회인 원더 페스티벌(Wonder Festival)과 ‘어셈블(Assemble)’이라는 컨셉으로 그 어느 때보다 뛰어난 모습을 보이고 있습니다.모든 게이머가 기다려온 최대 규모의 게임 박람회 “태국 게임쇼 2023”

Ticket price


게이머들이 선택할 수 있는 두 가지 유형이 있습니다. 티켓 가격 1일 이벤트 입장료 150바트(100바트 프로모션 기간은 만료되었습니다.)
“Thailand Game Show 2023” 티셔츠를 구입할 경우 1일 이벤트 입장료 500바트
티셔츠는 구입후 30일 이내에 무료배송 됩니다.
온라인에서만 사전 주문이 가능합니다.
QR코드 및 페이팔
신용카드와 트루머니로 결제 가능합니다.


10월 20일부터 22일까지 퀸 시리킷 국립 컨벤션 센터(Queen Sirikit National Convention Center) G층 전시홀 1~4, 오전 10시~오후 8시
22,000제곱미터가 넘는 이벤트 공간에서 계약 면적을 4개의 전체 홀로 확장하고 최대 255개의 부스를 수용하여 방문객 수와 기하급수적인 즐거움을 늘립니다.




The Post Grid

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롱라오셍짠 s

방콕 나이트 클럽 “롱라오셍짠” 위치 롱라오셍짠은 체인점으로 랑싯을 시작으로 여러곳에...

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SitUP Bkk 바 위치 방콕의 많은 라이브 바 들이 존재하고...

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방콕 맛집 3

방콕 맛집 “사타니 깽 10바트” 방콕 맛집 사타니 깽 10바트는...

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조드페어 야시장, 방콕 센탄 라프라오 근처에 생긴지 얼마 안된 야시장이다...

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Matbua (Light Flower Seeds)If you see this in Thailand, buy it and try it

Matbua - Lotus seeds I haven't seen

Matbua – Lotus seeds, a widely used medicinal seed. Lotus seeds that are not often seen in the market and are often passed by without knowing, but they are eaten like peanuts

Mat Bua Seed

It was cut in the middle of the stem, so it was sold in a few bundles. I bought one because it’s been a while since I saw it. I got four bars for 20 baht.
The seeds of lotus flowers are contained one by one like eggs, but they look light.

You can take the grains out of the Matbua flower and then peel the green skin to eat the inner kernel. It’s light and has a bit of a bitter taste, but the part with green shoots inside gives it a bitter taste. Most of the green has a bitter taste. One by one, like a peanut..

Mat Bua Seed Efficacy

Lotus seeds lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and make healthy intestines with many dietary fibers It relieves constipation. It also contains antioxidants, which are beneficial to skin health.

However, people who are allergic to nuts or seeds and people with cardiovascular problems need to consult a doctor before taking them.

Healthy people have no problem eating, but it is recommended that they eat less than 15 per day It’s not good to overdo anything.

with other effects

It removes bad breath. 
It helps prevent liver cancer or if a pregnant woman eats lotus seeds during childbirth, it increases the power to push them out during childbirth and helps the uterus regain its place after childbirth.

Or, if you boil and drink dried lotus seeds, it relieves heat and heals oral ulcers faster.

It helps the blood, which makes blood circulation and menstruation more active. There’s a medical content.

Most lotus seeds are used for medicinal purposes, so check your condition before ingesting them, and excessive abuse is prohibited

The Post Grid
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We are announcing the International Fireworks Festival from September to November 2023,

International Fireworks

We are announcing the International Fireworks Festival from September to November 2023, which is just around the corner.

Macao International Fireworks Festival

Busan International Fireworks Festival

Seoul International Fireworks Festival


Date and time
9/9 (Sat), 16 (Sat), 23 (Sat) & 10/1 (Sun), 7 (Sat)
Every time, at 9pm, 9:40pm


21:00 Australia
Cardile International Fireworks Pty Ltd

21:40 Switzerland 
La Pirotecnica SAGL


21:00 Austria
Autcom GmbH div Steyrfire Feuerwerke

21:40 Russia
Pyrotechnics Yards of Peterhof


21:00 Philippines
LF Fireworks Inc

21:40 Japan
Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks Co, Ltd


21:00 China
Hunan Celebration Fireworks Group Company Ltd

21:40 Portugal
Macedos Pirotecnia, Lda


21:00 United Kingdom
MLE Pyrotechnics Limited

21:40 Germany
Potsdamer Feuerwerk Vertriebs GMbH

good place to see the fireworks festival

1.Or “Anim’Arte NAM VAN”
2.Avenida do Oceano da Taipa
3.Macau Science Center Beach
4.Avenida de Sagres (next to Mandarin Oriental Macau)
5.Avenida Dr.sun Yat sen(MGM Macau)

2. Busan

“Autumn in Busan, colored with light in the world”

The Busan Fireworks Festival, which embellishes Gwangalli Beach every year, has already celebrated its 18th anniversary. It began as part of the 2005 APEC Summit celebration, and has become a representative festival in Busan with global attention over the years. You can see the Busan Multi-Fireworks Show and the overseas invited fireworks show with storytelling combined with super-large fireworks, media facade production using the landscape lighting of Gwangan Bridge, and colorful fireworks, lighting, and music. In addition, you can watch fireworks at various places, not only Gwangalli Beach, but also Dongbaek Island and Igidae.

Busan’s autumn night embroidered with fireworks! We invite you to the Busan Fireworks Festival with people around the world

Date and time: November 4, 2023 (Sat) 20:00
Place: Gwangalli Beach

Regular Ticket Guide

Price (for one person): 100,000 won for R seats (table + chair) and 70,000 won for S seats (chair)
Reservation place: YES24 Ticket (only)

*Paid seats (R and S seats) are located on the white sand beach in front of Gwangalli Aqua Palace and Homers Hotel, and are available for free at other places.

Book a ticket in the image below

Good hotel to see the Haeundae Fireworks Festival

Kent Hotel Gwangalli
It is a four-star hotel located in the center of Gwangalli Beach. Clean rooms are popular for various auxiliary facilities, and you can enjoy the beautiful sea of Busan at various view points such as Ocean View Bean Bag Zone and Rooftop.

In the evening, unlimited wine parties are also available at the Sky Lounge overlooking Busan’s landmark Gwangan Bridge, so if you want a romantic dinner, a quick reservation is a must.

Most hotels are selling out quickly.


2023 Seoul World Fireworks Festival Information (Schedule, Time, Opening Ceremony)

The 2023 Seoul International Fireworks Festival will be held at Yeouido Hangang Park on Saturday, October 7.

2023 Seoul World Fireworks Festival Preparedness

In October, the temperature is expected to drop a lot, so the evening is expected to be colder and colder. Especially during the cold season, the strong wind is not easy, and you have to wait for a long time to enjoy the wonderful festival. Also, as convenience store food along the Han River runs out quickly on this day, thorough preparation is needed. Please refer to the following and be prepared Blankets or warm outerwear are a must if you are enjoying it outside.

Period: October 7, 2023 (Sat)

Time: 13:00 to 22:00

Location: Yeouido Hangang Park (Mapodaegyo Bridge to Hangang Railroad Bridge)

Host: Hanwha Group
Fee: Free

Most hotels are selling out quickly.

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맷부아 (연꽃씨앗) 태국에서 이게 보인다면 한번쯤 사서 드셔보세요

맷부아(เม็ดบัว) 사진

맷부아(เม็ดบัว) – 연꽃씨로 약용으로 많이 사용되는 씨앗입니다. 시장에서 흔히 보이지도 않을뿐더러 대부분 잘 모르고 지나가는 경우가 많지만 땅콩처럼 까먹는 연꽃 씨앗

맷부아(เม็ดบัว) 씨앗 알갱이
녹색 도토리 같이 생겼네요

맷부아 씨앗

줄기 중간쯤 짤라서 몇마디 묶어서 팔고 있었습니다. 오랫만에 보여서 하나 사보았습니다. 20바트에 4마디 연꽃의씨앗이 알처럼 하나씩 하나씩 들어가 있는데 보기엔 이래도 담백하답니다.

맷부아(เม็ดบัว) 씨앗속 새싹
씨앗속에 새싹

맷부아 꽃에서 알갱이를 꺼낸다음 녹색껍질을 벗겨 속 알맹이를 드실수 있습니다. 담백하면서 쓴맛이 조금 느껴지는데 안쪽에 녹색 새싹이 있는 부분이 쓴맛을 내고 있습니다. 대부분의 녹색은 쓴맛을 담고 있죠. 하나씩 땅콩까듯이 ..

맷부아(연꽃씨)의 효능

연꽃씨로 혈압을 낮추고 심혈관계 질환의 위험을 줄이며 많은 식이섬유로 건강한 장을 만들어줘 변비를 완화 시켜준다. 또한 항산화가 포함되어 있어 피부 건강에 이점이 있습니다.

다만 견과류나 씨앗에 알레르기가 있는 사람과 심혈관계의 문제가 있는 분들은 복용전 의사와의 상담이 필요합니다.

건강한 사람이라면 먹는데에는 아무런 문제가 없지만 하루 15개 이내로 섭취하는 것을 권장합니다 뭐든지 과한것은 좋지 않지요.

기타 효과로

입 냄새를 제거 해준다. 
간암 예방에 도움이나 임산부의 출산시 연꽃씨를 먹으면 출산시 밀어내는 힘을 키워주고 출산후 자궁이 다시 자리를 잡는데 도움을 준다.

또는 말린 연꽃씨를 끓여서 마시면 열을 나춰주며 구강궤양이 더 빨리 치유된다.

혈액에 도움을 줘 혈액순환과 월경이 월활하게 된다. 의학적 내용이 있습니다.

대부분 연꽃씨는 약용으로 많이 사용되기에 섭취전 자신의 상태를 잘 확인 하여 지나친 남용은 금지~

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Bangkok Bus System, Thailand

Thai Bus System

 Here’s some information about the bus system in Thailand


Bus fares in Thailand can range from as low as 8 baht to around 25 baht, depending on the distance and type of bus. Typically, shorter routes are cheaper, while longer journeys may cost more.


The bus system in Thailand has improved over the years, but it can still be a bit challenging for foreigners to navigate, especially those who don’t speak the local language.

Variety of Buses

Buses in Thailand come in two main categories: those with air conditioning (AC) and those without. AC buses are more comfortable but may cost a bit more. There are also subcategories like “Extra” buses, which may have different routes under the same bus number.

Bus Apps

Many people use smartphone apps to help them navigate the bus system. Apps like Google Maps can be very useful for locating nearby bus stops, checking bus routes, and estimating arrival times.

ViaBus App
ViaBus App


Thailand has a variety of buses, including low-floor buses that are accessible to people with disabilities, as well as older buses with manual gear shifts. The newer buses typically have electronic signboards displaying route information.

Fare Variations

Bus fares can vary based on the bus route and distance traveled. Shorter routes within a city may cost as little as 8 baht, while longer journeys between cities could cost up to 25 baht or more.


Additional Information

Buses with fans (or “blower buses”) in Thailand typically charge a fare of 10 baht. However, it’s worth noting that on some occasions, the fans on one side of the bus may not be working properly. Despite this, an extra charge of 2 baht might still be levied.

Please keep in mind

Some buses on specific routes may not stop at designated bus stops but instead continue driving past them. Even if they share the same bus number, if you don’t signal for the bus to stop or if it’s headed to a different destination, it might not pause for you. If the bus stop is located near an overpass or at a terminus, it’s advisable to check if there’s another nearby location where you can catch the bus.

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