Momordica balsamina Efficacy

Helps prevent diabetes and adult diseases and control weight
The caranthin and P-insulin components found in Momordica balsamina lower blood sugar levels by preventing the body from re-synthesizing sugar.

Boosts immunity
Contains antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Helps prevent high blood pressure
Stabilizes blood pressure.
-Contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, and folic acid to prevent high blood pressure.

Prevents cardiovascular disease
-Fiber and folate help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Protects the stomach
-The bitter momordecin component of Momordica balsamina stimulates the stomach and promotes digestion.
Its liver tonic properties help digestion, improve constipation, and treat cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Promotes Strong Bones and Improves Skin Problems
Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties work in conjunction with vitamin K to fight arthritis and promote healthy bones.
It’s also great for skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Other benefits include diuretic properties, eye health, fatigue relief, and appetite enhancement.

Side effects and precautions of Momordica balsamina

People with diabetes should be careful. It has blood sugar-lowering properties, so if you’re taking medication to lower your blood sugar, it may lower your blood sugar too much.
Women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding should use caution. Miscarriages have been reported in animal studies.
Store in a cool refrigerator and eat before spots appear on the skin.

Recommended intake of Momordica balsamina

90 mL if drinking as a liquid
70 grams or less if consumed as food

Momordica balsamina Recipes

Momordica balsamina salad
1.Soak the bitter gourd in vinegar for 10 minutes and wash it several times under running water.
2. Cut the bitter gourd in half and scrape out the core.
3. Cut into slices about 1 centimeter thick.
3. Mix salt, sugar, and vinegar and marinate for 35 minutes.
4. Drain the marinated bitter gourd.
5. Add gochujang, red pepper flakes, grated garlic, and oligosaccharide and toss to combine.
6. Add the perilla oil, toss lightly, and serve.